The Perfect Chai

Jazmin A.- 8th grade


I walked to school on a windy fall day. I did my normal school work first, reading a chapter from Five Feet Apart, completing a math worksheet, and working on my writing. At 10:30 am I had a shift at Pinwheel scheduled. I love going into Pinwheel to work with the employees and make drinks. I especially love when my shift is during a morning rush because I'm able to make more drinks. 

“I immediately recognized what my Embark educators meant by the importance of resilience.”  

I went into Pinwheel, washed my hands, and got right to helping out. One of the most popular drinks is a chai latte. I make them about 3 or 4 times every shift but always tend to forget a step and need help. The drink seems easy because there are only two ingredients, 3oz of chai concentrate and 7oz of milk. But the drink is much trickier to make because everyone gets a different type of chai. Some people add an alternative milk, a syrup, or a shot of espresso. Some want it cold. Others want it steamed or even extra hot. So with five more steps added, I tend to forget at least one step. 

 The first day I correctly made a chai without any help was such an amazing day. When I sprinkled the nutmeg on top of the chai, the last step in the process, I looked back at Dot with a big smile. I had finally done it and I was so happy. I felt like a leader in the Embark community because after so many mistakes and practice I was finally able to do it right. As I walked out of the shop, I immediately recognized what my Embark educators meant by the importance of resilience.  


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