The Great Syrup Adventure
Neela E. 7th grade
The syrups had a rich life in Pinwheel. They didn’t just sit behind the counter, waiting for customers to order them. Oh no, they went places. Lavender and Coconut vacationed at The Bar, where they enjoyed a lovely view of the sunrise. Almond and Raspberry hiked up Table Ridge, one of the most difficult hikes. Simple Syrup wasn’t looking and fell into The Trash, he got scared, luckily the others helped him up and out. And that is just a few adventures that the syrups have been on!
While this life was great, some syrups craved more. One day it finally happened. It was a sunny day in June. Sophia rode her bike down to Pinwheel Coffee with her dog Sprocket. She left Sprocket outside by the tables at Pinwheel and brought her bike inside Framework Cycles. It turns out she got a flat tire while riding down to Pinwheel. She then walked through the doors that connected Pinwheel Coffee and Framework Cycles and bought a Butter Croissant and a Chai. Suddenly, Sprocket started barking at this strange brown animal with a bushy brown tail. It was holding a nut and sitting in a tree. The syrups were startled by the commotion outside. They finally realized that this was their chance. They were going to venture out of Pinwheel Coffee and into the outside world! They all had their special powers, but they couldn’t use them when they were in their bottles, so they hopped out of their bottles and headed on out.
“They finally realized that this was their chance.”
Unfortunately, not all of them could attend this wild adventure. Peppermint and Mocha were already on a date at The Bar. Simple Syrup couldn’t find his lucky radish, so he decided to stay home. Hazelnut completely missed the excitement because he was asleep with his teddy bear. And Pumpkin wanted to come but had to go to his son's baseball game in Fridgeopolis, the tall cold metal tower.
Even though their brains are made of sugar they still need a quick way to go and investigate and then quickly come back before anyone notices they are gone. They hopped on a plane that took them straight to The Trash can, thankfully Simple Syrup was not attending this adventure.
The door was now in view and they were so excited that they started to run and shout. Until they reached...The Trash. “Ahhhhhhhh! Run everyone!” said Almond. He plunged ahead, almost falling off the end of the counter. Thankfully before Almond reached the edge the syrups were there to grab him. They were puzzled about how to get from the countertop to the table closest to the window. After hard thinking, they decided to stick together and make a bridge. One by one they climbed across each other to get to the round table. They all made it safely and headed for the door. Coconut was the last one to cross. As he began, he slipped and flew into the air. He hit the button right next to the door, and the door magically opened for the adventurous syrups.
They ran outside and immediately chaos occurred! People were walking, cars honking, dogs barking, and multiple weird brown bushy animals in the tree. Six-legged creatures were climbing all over the place, and small winged creatures flying around people’s food. Then, it happened! To their left, towering over them, they saw another Trash! This one was even bigger, meaner, and scarier than inside. They immediately ran back inside; they were all thinking the same thing. The syrups quickly locked the door so that the outside world, and The Outside Trash, would never come into Pinwheel again! They hurried back to tell the others never to leave the comfort of the coffee shop! And from that day on, no syrup has ever ventured to “the beyond”!