Keller Y. Keller Y.

Sincerely, Tea

Keller Y. 6th Grader

Dear Tea,

A friendly conversation between coffee and tea

You have sent me two letters, but they were unreadable because they were covered in tea stains. I think I read something about… puns? Please send me a letter one more time! 


Your friendly enemy, 




I am very sorry that my letters to you have been unreadable. The barista came to my place and fixed up a leak. Apparently, whenever I put something in my mailbox, it started to get tea on it because of a leak from above. Anyways, all I wanted was a list of coffee or tea puns. I’m going to a conference, and I want to add a little humor to my presentation about why tea rules. (No offense.) Please send me a list of puns if your humor is at that level!

Thanks, Tea


Dear Tea,

First of all, you're the one asking me for the puns, so I don’t think that you can say, "If your humor is at that level.” But yes, my sense of humor is quite gouda, but it is very hard to espresso all of my humor on paper. And yes, I do have a latte puns. Of course, they might not all be coffee-related, but they will be food and drink-related. You can sort through them if you want, just so long as the puns don’t whiz right pasta you. So there was the list, made espresso-ly for you.




You say that your humor has reached that level, and you mentioned you added a list of puns, but I’m not sure where they are. But I read something weird about being gouda, so I’m not sure what that was. The list of puns, though, was most likely lost in the mail. I will contact the mail services immediately. Thank you again for doing this! 



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Josh F. Josh F.

Pinwheel Night Live

Josh F - 6th grade

The objects in Pinwheel were ready for another night of fun.

The door closed behind Maya with a soft thud, and silence fell over the inside of Pinwheel. After a few minutes of quiet calm, the cash register started making gurgling noises with the change, the syrups started arguing about which one was the best, and the cinnamon roll started humming its favorite song. The objects in Pinwheel were ready for another night of fun. But suddenly, Maya walked back in, and everything stopped. She looked around quickly, spotted her jacket in the back room, grabbed it, and walked back out.

“Phew, said the cash register. “That was a close call.”

“She’s gone. Back to your places, everyone,” the cinnamon roll called out. “If we hurry, we will still have time to complete our rehearsal. Our Hamilton production is only two days away.”

The sinks started running to a beat. The burrito got out of the fridge and started dancing. Then suddenly, a bike from framework rolled into Pinwheel and said, “guys, quiet down. We bikes are trying to sleep, you know.” 

The next day, Dot walked in and said, “Huh? Maya left such a big mess. There is even a bike in here!”

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Bianca A. Bianca A.

Emotional Syrups

Bianca A - 7th grade

Pinwheel has lots of different syrups. I believe that each syrup matches different human emotions. I feel that these emotions are seen in the way each syrup smells, looks, and tastes.

Vanilla’s emotions are happy, respectful, caring, and silly. Vanilla is always happy no matter what. Even if times are negative, they make life feel positive.

Chocolate’s emotions are easy-going, strong, and relaxed. Chocolate is the syrup that is always protecting others. It also goes with the flow because it mixes well with many other syrups like raspberry, peppermint, and hazelnut. 

“like a field of flowers in the springtime”

Caramel’s emotions are sassy and kind. Caramel’s flavor is unapologetic and confident, it sticks to you and doesn’t let go when problems come.

Honey’s emotions are confident and peaceful. Honey is like the mom of the syrups. It is always prepared and keeps its cool in the most challenging situations. 

Lavender’s emotions are colorful, surprised, and unexpected. Lavender gives you a vibrant taste, like a field of flowers in the springtime. This can surprise you but in the best possible way.

Hazelnut’s emotions are understated and elegant. Hazelnut is stylish and never goes out of fashion, like the perfect little black dress. It is not necessarily the star, but it goes well with everything.

Thank you for putting up with our emotions, see you next time. 



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Lea G. Lea G.


Lea G. - 8th grade

I woke up one morning like I always do 

Just to make a cup of coffee for you.

But as the beans crackle and grind, I stopped to think

Of all the work that went into making this drink.

Someday, Somewhere, Someone

Working out in the hot, hot sun.

Picking the beans and roasting them up

To allow me to drink from this beautiful cup.

Scooping the beans into a bin

To make this coffee a big win.

So as the water boils and my coffee brews

I send a thought of appreciation to you.

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Kai W. Kai W.

Pinwheel, The musical

Kai W . - 6th grade

Coffee Monster walked into Pinwheel one bright sunny Thursday, singing his signature song. 

“C is for coffee and coffee is for me, hey"!”

“C is for coffee and coffee is for me, hey...Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee starts with C.”

A large blue somebody sitting at the bar suddenly stood up and tore off his sunglasses and fake mustache. “No no no!” he screamed and then broke into his song.  “C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, yeah...Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C.”

Afraid that this situation could quickly get out of hand, Dot stood up and said, “Coffee and cookies go well together. Let’s not fight, let’s sing together.” 

“Let me think about this…  NO! I hate coffee. It tastes terrible,”  said Cookie Monster.

Across the room, Jake and some others were yelling fight, fight, fight.

Coffee Monster replied “I hate cookies. I will not be friends with you.” He threw his cup at Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster gasped, he ran over to framework grabbed a bike, and heaved it at Coffee Monster.
As soon as they were about to fight Dot ran out of the back room carrying a jug of milk 

“Stop!” she yelled as loud as she could. “I have something that both of you have in common, milk.’

Cookie monster and Coffee monster agree that they have their differences and some nice milk and coffee at Pinwheel. 

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Hayes T. Hayes T.


Hayes T. 8th Grade

You would think that most of Gen Z and a handful of Millennials suddenly become lactose intolerant from the recent phenomenon of oat milk. According to AP News, US oat milk sales grew 131% between May 2020 and May 2021 to $304 million. This is an extreme rise in any market, but especially something as obscure as non-dairy milk. This presents the question if people are trying to do something good for the environment, do they actually like the taste of oat milk, or did someone on their TikTok ‘For you page’ just tell them they do?

The hashtag ‘oat milk’ on Instagram has 428,974 posts, filled with aesthetically pleasing pictures of beautiful latte art and cute coffee shops. When you click on one of these posts, along with the oat milk tag, you will find hashtags like “#savetheplanet”, “#environmentalist”, and more, as they post a picture of their oat milk latte in a plastic Starbucks cup. But the question is, is oat milk even good for the environment? Is it doing anything to switch from your normal Vanilla Frappuccino to an Oat Milk Latte? As it turns out, Oat milk is significantly better than cow’s milk for the environment. According to, producing oat milk creates 80% less greenhouse gas emissions and 60% less energy. This is an extreme difference, much more than I expected. So maybe it's not the use of oat milk that is the issue; it is the audience supporting it.

Brands like Urban Outfitters, Redbubble, and more, sell graphic t-shirts promoting oat milk, which I find to be hypocritical because both brands are considered fast fashion. Fast fashion is when well-known brands produce inexpensive clothing in response to the latest trends, which results in millions of dollars of clothing in landfills. This presents the question once again, are people just drinking oat milk to join the trend? 

Producing oat milk creates 80% less greenhouse gas emissions and 60% less energy than cow’s milk!!

So what’s the consensus? Is the trend of oat milk doing more good than bad? The answer is yes and no. Oat Milk itself is a really easy step towards helping the environment, so the milk itself is not the issue; it is how it is marketed and why the audience likes it. Many people choose oat milk to make themselves feel like heroes to the environment, and if these people are doing it right, that’s not a problem. But if these people are throwing their plastic Starbucks cups in the trash after they finish their oat milk latte, then what’s the point? Choosing to drink oat milk is great, but not if you don’t make other efforts to help. If you really want to be an environmental hero, there are a lot of other ways you can help, starting with your coffee order. For example, properly dispose of your cup after you are done, avoid using straws, bring your own reusable cup, or ask for your coffee in a mug if your order is to stay. Doing any or all of these things on top of your oat milk order can help make a change.

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Quinn E. Quinn E.

Power Naps

Quinn E - 7th grade

it’s just slow and dark but also kind of pleasant

Have you ever thought of mixing naps and coffee mixed? Well, today is your lucky day! Today I will be judging these drinks based on what vibe they give up. For example, let’s say we have a black coffee. It has a lot of caffeine, but also it seems like a calming drink, like one for when you’re tired.

Number 1. Latte. 

A latte is the most basic coffee. It's a 15-minute nap that you take in the middle of the day. Everybody takes these types of naps, just like everybody sometimes orders a latte.  If you get seasonal lattes, they are the same nap type, just in different environments. For example, a pumpkin spice latte is a nap on the couch when it's 60 degrees. And an eggnog latte would be a nap that you take on a snow day when there’s a foot of snow, and you’re napping at ten in the morning.

Number 2. Americano.

An americano seems like that nap that's one hour long at around 5:00 PM. Now, you kind of get a bad feeling on this nap because you wake up several times, but I think that’s it’s underrated and pretty refreshing. Also, it's going to be a very bad nap because you're gonna wake up and then go back to sleep and then wake up again. However, it’s weirdly refreshing to be done and feel fully recharged when you decide to be done. I say this because Americans just like the other coffees, but with its twist, none of the other coffees use water which is why it's got a different taste.

Number 3. Mocha

A Mocha is one that you take at ten and then go till 3, it's basically like night, and it's just slow and dark but also kind of pleasant. But when you wake up, you're filled with regret that you just wasted an entire day, but you also didn't have anything going on that day. So a good nap but also not good for productivity.

Number 5. Kombucha.

 Kombucha is a nap at like nine in the morning, and it's hot out, and you have the stuff to do. You take an hour nap because you just don't feel like doing anything, and then you wake up and your hot and sweaty, and then you have to face your fears and go out and do something like mowing the lawn or ride a bike. I say this because it’s a drink that you get on a hot day to cool you down with its bubbly flavors, and that’s the nap I think of when I think about hot drinks.

Number 4. Hot Chocolate.

An 8 OZ hot chocolate seems like nap time for little kids, you never want to take a nap, but you have to before your mother gets mad. I say this because...because. Well, the name says it all.

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Braiden S. Braiden S.

Every Other Customer

Braiden S. 8th grade

Picture this. It’s 8 am, and you’re on your way to work an 11 hour day at your jewelry store. It is understaffed, and you know it will be a busy day of serving customers and doing work. You may as well go to your local coffee shop before your arduous day and sit down for a few minutes before getting it on. You can see other travelers sitting down and enjoying their morning, as well as some people just meeting with friends. 

You order your drink, and as you just observe the environment, your thoughts whirl into oblivion. The LoFi music playing overhead and the bright tone make you feel like you could just fall asleep forever. Snapping back into reality as the barista hands you your drink, you make a quick dash for a seat in the back. As you open the lid of your coffee, the smell wafts into your nostrils and will simply take you away from the hardships ahead and bring you into the present. You begin to forget about your day and drift into a different thought process. 

In the midst of all this, time passes by, and you realize that you have been sitting here for 20 minutes, meaning that you are almost late for work. But you don’t regret it. This is a reality for many Pinwheel customers, and maybe coming to Pinwheel and zoning out for a little bit will make your day just a tad better.

coming to Pinwheel and zoning out for a little bit will make your day just a tad better.
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Lea G. Lea G.

The Date

Lea G. 8th grade

You may think that humans are the only thing on Earth that have meaningful conversations. However, you would be wrong! Well, you're right in the real world, but in the world of fiction, you’re wrong. Just the other day, I overheard an interesting conversation between two drinks in Pinwheel.

“So, you know how I started dating Caramel Latte?” Mocha said

“Oh yeah, how could I forget?” Chai questioned



“He asked if I wanted to go on a double date with Cold Brew and Matcha!”

“OH MY GOD! THAT IS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD ALL DAY! But with Cold Brew and Matcha? How is that going to play out?” Chai said nervously.

Yeah, but I don’t really know what cup to wear.

“Why are you so spicy all the time about this stuff?” Mocha questioned

“I’m not, but you have to agree that he is pretty uptight and has no room to be sweet,” 

“Okay, okay, you got me this time but don’t be so salty next time we talk about someone,” Mocha sighed.

“Anyway, I have some good questions for you. Where are you guys going to go? And what are you going to where?” Chai said excitedly

“I think we are still figuring it out, but might go to a nice dinner at Pinwheel,”

“That sounds like so much fun!” Chai said

“Yeah, but I don’t really know what cup to wear,” Mocha sadly stated

“Oh, maybe your Pinwheel Coffee mug?” Chai suggested. 

“Oh my gosh, that is a great idea!!” Mocha yelled.

“Yeah, but unlike Matcha, she wears that greenish cup all the time,” Chai gestured.

“That’s her real color,” Mocha snapped. “She just wears a clear cup.”

“Oh! Well, still it’s kind of annoying” Chai hesitated.

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Fiction Former Embark Student Fiction Former Embark Student

Throw Back Thursday: The Great Pastry Fight

Eireann R. - 8th grade

What if the pastries inside pinwheel’s pastry case could talk? Have you ever wondered what conversations, or conflicts, might occur?

Well, Eireann did, with some pretty hilarious results.

The bell dinged, a new customer had arrived, interested in the shop she had found. She looked all around the shop. What drew her attention were the window panes hanging from the ceiling, dividing the shop into two, comfortable seats all around, and the menus hanging from the wall. Everything looked quite tasty and she had trouble deciding, so she stepped aside. Her top two choices were the croissant and the scone. While choosing something was a minuscule problem, a much bigger one was occurring inside the glass pastry case. 

Look,” said the croissant in a condescending tone, “all of you are decent pastries, but my buttery goodness provides the perfect pairing for any drink.

The croissant side-eyed the scone, “Why would she pick you, you’re just a dry, crusty piece of bread.” 

“At least my skin isn’t so flaky that it’s always on the brink of falling apart,” the scone said back heatedly. The other pastries stared at them in silence, not wanting to get in the middle of the fight. 

“You’re one to talk, one bump of this case and you’d be gone. Actually, I’d be the only one in this stupid place to survive a fall.”

“Why are we always dragged into the argument?” mumbled the muffin. 

“Look, why don’t we all just get along and be nice to each other?” All the pastries turned to the coffee cake. The cake was always the peacemaker in this scenario, at times too sweet for the others. It shuddered as it waited for the insults to come. The same argument often happened and it would always turn out the same way. 

The scone and croissant both looked to each other, then back at the cake, and screamed, “SHUT IT!” 

“Look,” said the croissant in a condescending tone, “all of you are decent pastries, but my buttery goodness provides the perfect pairing for any drink. And you can’t do anything about that.”

Outside the case, the new customer was now gravitating towards the coffee cake. She had decided on something sweet and chewy. 

“Are you actually joking me right now!?” The croissant screamed out in anger at the unexpected turn of events. 

“Literally what is she thinking?” 

The coffee cake was surprised, this had never happened before. It would be able to see the world for the first time. As the barista packaged the slice, the cake was blissful, ignoring the other pastries’ scoffs of shock and envy.

 “Thanks,” said the customer as she turned to leave.

The cake marveled at the outside world. There were now so many possibilities open to it. Suddenly the slice was brought back to reality as another person bumped into the customer, making her drop the pastry. It seemed as if everything slowed and it slid out of the bag. A tear ran down its face as it fell to hard, cold, concrete. The last thing the slice of cake heard was the croissant’s muffled manic laughter from inside the case, and then everything went black.

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

Made in the Shade

Owen F. - 7th grade

Photo Credit - Owen F.

Photo Credit - Owen F.

Shade-grown coffee is good for both humans and the environment. Shade-grown coffee is grown under and alongside the forest canopy. This means it does not replace the entire original ecosystem.

The shade-grown approach not only preserves habitat for many woodland creatures, it also prevents deforestation and erosion and has less impact on climate change. Therefore, shade-grown coffee preserves both habitat and soil structure.

In contrast, with traditional coffee growing, the plantation is clear-cut. This practice removes all vegetation and destroys the habitat of the creatures who live there. Then coffee is planted in the cleared space.

Even though coffee is not grown in the United States, you can support environmental sustainability by buying shade-grown coffee. Pinwheel often uses shade-grown coffee, and you can also buy shade-grown coffee beans for your home use. 

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Lachlan F. Lachlan F.

Coffee: Healthy or not?

Lachlan F. - 7th Grade

Art by Dot W - Barista

Art by Dot W - Barista

Coffee is a healthy drink. Coffee is the third most popular drink in the world. 44 percent of American adults said they drink 2-3 cups daily. But a lot of people think that drinking lots of coffee is bad for you. Fortunately for all you avid coffee drinkers, this is incorrect.

Coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which is a psychoactive substance. When your brain cells get overworked, your brain releases a hormone called adenosine that tells the cells to shut down. Caffeine blocks adenosine, keeping your brain active and alert. This is why drinking coffee at night can prevent sleep. Caffeine can also increase your metabolism, but that effect wears off over time. So the caffeine in coffee can be good for you and increase your productivity as long as you don’t drink it at night.

 Coffee has a lot of positive health benefits. It contains many antioxidants and nutrients that help you live a healthy life. Studies show that drinking coffee can lead to a 65% less chance of contracting Alzheimer’s disease. It can also give you a 32-60% less chance of getting Parkinson’s disease, and a 23-67% less chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Some of this might not affect you, but coffee is also rich in antioxidants and nutrients. It contains vitamins B5, B3, B2, and B1. It also has folate, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. These vitamins are super important for the function of your body. Obviously, coffee has a lot of health benefits, but what about negative health effects?

Coffee is a healthy drink that should be consumed regularly.
— Lachlan F - 7th Grade

Probably the worst effect of coffee is that caffeine while giving you energy, can also cause anxiety and disrupt your sleep. But this problem can be solved by not drinking too much at one time, or during the evening. Another negative effect is that coffee drinking can raise cholesterol levels via a substance called cafestol. When brewed with a paper filter instead of a Turkish or French press, cafestol is filtered out. Finally, coffee drinks such as frappuccinos are full of sugar and very unhealthy. Coffee has negative health effects, but it can be easily avoided.

In conclusion, coffee is a healthy drink that should be consumed regularly. Just make sure to hold the sugar, and don’t drink it at night. So come into Pinwheel Coffee to get your daily cup!

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

Iced Coffee Sonnet

Elijah M. - 8th grade

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

How American Independence Popularized Coffee

Sean R.-8th

storage waster.png

Coffee became popular in the United States after the Boston Tea Party when colonists spilled British Tea into the Boston Harbor. People then boycotted tea and started drinking coffee as a substitute. It picked up more in the 1800s as demand for it increased due to the introduction of pre-roasted coffee. This was a big deal because previously customers would have to process their own beans at home and that would cost more in the long run and would take a lot of time. The market for coffee really exploded in the 1960s, when Starbucks first opened in Seattle. They were one of the first coffee shops to have espresso drinks, and have the opportunity to chill in a coffee shop.

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

Chai Latte & Maple Sausage Roll

Elijah N. - 8th Grade.

There are many good foods and drink combinations at Pinwheel, but a perfect pairing for someone who likes sweet-spicy flavors would be a Hot Chai Latte with a Maple Sausage Roll. The Chai has some spice but is still so smooth that it complements the salty-sweet taste of the  Sausage Roll. You might think that when two sweet things are combined it's over the top. But with the savory cheddar in the sausage roll, it balances it out well. 

When you think of a cold morning in Colorado, what else would get you started faster than a nice warm Chai Latte with spice and a cheesy sweet and savory roll to fix your morning hunger.

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Braiden S. Braiden S.

Local Businesses during COVID

Braiden S. - 7th Grade

In 2020,  COVID-19 forced nearly every non-essential business in the US to shut down in-person operations, causing restaurants to close and furlough or fire staff. But in the Denver Highlands, some businesses prioritized keeping their staff.

At Pinwheel Coffee, shop manager Joe Fulkerson had to close during March and April, but he didn’t lay off any of his staff. When the shop reopened in May, some staff chose not to return because of limited hours. A few blocks down, at Crush Pizza and Tap, Jason McGovern at Crush Pizza made an effort to keep all of his staff, except furloughing front-house staff, such as waiters and bartenders. But, as soon as reopening began they were rehired

Because of the pandemic, local businesses made a bigger connection to the community. Joe also wanted to make the safety of the community a priority, so even though many times restrictions were lifted, he made the decision to keep the shop a To-Go-only operation until late October when he opened the indoors to the public. In early March, Joe opened the shop to in-person seating due to numbers dropping and vaccinations increasing. In the early era of the pandemic, Crush set up a system to help people in need of food. Though customers buy gift cards, every gift card purchase meant that one pizza would be given to food banks and people in need. 

These businesses were able to overcome some of the challenges of the pandemic, while also giving back to the community in a positive way.
— Braiden S. - 7th grade

These businesses were able to overcome some of the challenges of the pandemic, while also giving back to the community in a positive way. And now, more than ever, they need your support in return. Whenever you buy from a local business or restaurant, you are supporting your own community, through taxes, economic growth, and jobs in your area. These businesses want to say that buying local, such as Crush Pizza and Pinwheel Coffee is much more beneficial for your community than larger chains. 

Delivery services are a common way that many businesses used to serve food during the pandemic, and Crush has used delivery services such as PostMates and GrubHub for many years. Just recently in February, they were able to sponsor their own deliveries through their website. If you didn’t know, those delivery services take 30% of income when a customer buys, which is a huge percentage. Jason wants to make the recommendation that if you ever order from a restaurant, make sure to call to see if they have their own delivery service before you buy from a third-party company, as this helps businesses grow and keep their income. So next time you’re craving pizza or a morning coffee, stop by Crush or Pinwheel! 

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

The Perfect Chai

Jazmin A.- 8th grade


I walked to school on a windy fall day. I did my normal school work first, reading a chapter from Five Feet Apart, completing a math worksheet, and working on my writing. At 10:30 am I had a shift at Pinwheel scheduled. I love going into Pinwheel to work with the employees and make drinks. I especially love when my shift is during a morning rush because I'm able to make more drinks. 

“I immediately recognized what my Embark educators meant by the importance of resilience.”  

I went into Pinwheel, washed my hands, and got right to helping out. One of the most popular drinks is a chai latte. I make them about 3 or 4 times every shift but always tend to forget a step and need help. The drink seems easy because there are only two ingredients, 3oz of chai concentrate and 7oz of milk. But the drink is much trickier to make because everyone gets a different type of chai. Some people add an alternative milk, a syrup, or a shot of espresso. Some want it cold. Others want it steamed or even extra hot. So with five more steps added, I tend to forget at least one step. 

 The first day I correctly made a chai without any help was such an amazing day. When I sprinkled the nutmeg on top of the chai, the last step in the process, I looked back at Dot with a big smile. I had finally done it and I was so happy. I felt like a leader in the Embark community because after so many mistakes and practice I was finally able to do it right. As I walked out of the shop, I immediately recognized what my Embark educators meant by the importance of resilience.  

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Former Embark Student Former Embark Student

What Does "Nitro" Mean in "Nitro Cold Brew"?

Lia F.-P.- 8th grade


I was working a shop shift at Pinwheel when a customer ordered a nitro cold brew, “What the heck is that?” I thought, “is it like a faster powerful turbo drink, does it energize 100 times more?” Sadly, no. The word “nitro” in “nitro cold brew” means nitrogen. 

This drink has some nitrogen bubbles infused into it. The way it works is that there is a keg full of cold brew under the counter that is hooked up to a nitrogen tank. The nitrogen bubbles meet the cold brew, pushing it and making the drink come out of the tap above. Without the nitrogen, we would need the kegs flipped upside down and put it above the tap so that gravity would make the drink come down and out the tap.

“What the heck is that?”

Now that I know what it means, my next question was, “Why is it $1.75 more than regular drip coffee?” Well, for one thing, you have to buy the nitrogen, but a cool fact about cold brew is that it actually takes 24 hours to make! The nitrogen bubbles add a creamy texture to the drink which makes it that much better, like any other coffee, this drink has only five calories by itself!

 When the drink was first created in 2016 it was hard to find in the shops near you. Now it has gained popularity and is easy to find in most coffee shops. Come get yours at Pinwheel now!

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Braiden S. Braiden S.

The Impacts of Global Warming on Coffee

Braiden S. - 7th grade

Watercolor by Athena L. - 8th grade

Watercolor by Athena L. - 8th grade

Global Warming. We’ve all heard of it, but many of us haven’t experienced it, or at least not that you may know of. But, every day, you suffer the effects, and every day, you make it worse. It’s the honest truth. But it is possible to make a change.

If you are reading this, then you are most likely a customer of Pinwheel Coffee. If you didn’t know, the coffee industry is susceptible to harm from global warming. Results of the warming in the mountains of Columbia are causing farmers to experience coffee shortages. If you want to keep enjoying your daily coffee, then these solutions can help.

Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 1.50.04 PM.png

In December and January of 2020-2021, students from Embark Education worked together to develop a website filled with information about climate change, ways you can help, and even an audit you can do to help lower your carbon footprint. We made this site for you and your household, and it is an easy way to truly understand your impact. 

The website is composed of several different sections, including a facts page, an audit page, and a solutions page. You can use all of this information to learn more about your impact on the environment, as well as how you can change. It is completely free, which means that this is open to everyone to use, even kids. 

We at Embark Education want to truly make a difference in the lives of everyone in our community. By using the information on our website, you will help not only yourself but also the world. The climate crisis is here, and we don’t have much time before we can’t stop it anymore. 


The Pinwheel Post Editorial Team

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